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ŠKODA AUTO a.s., Mladá Boleslav

Crane 70t/42m for automatic storage of moulds, equipped against swinging and jam of load and automatic running on positions.
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Unique foundry cranes NOPO for Russian wagon factory

Technický týdeník

The production of sophisticated crane technology for the foundry of the Russian wagon factory TVSZ (Tichvinskij VagonoStroitelnyj Zavod) in Tikhvin ...   

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currently  Tuesday 22.10.2024 1:55

Relations with Russian customers, we have been manage further develop

In last period of year 2014, NOPO Company delivered its own equipment, worth of it is tens of millions CZK, to customers mainly from EU countries.  Among to the most significant belong CHART Ferox Děčín, KOVOSVIT MAS Sezimovo Ústí, VW Hannover, Iveco Czech Republic Vysoké Mýto, Automotive Lighting Jihlava, PSA Trnava, ŠKODA AUTO Mladá Boleslav and the others. .

We are taking part in production of the biggest vessels in the world

At the end of March, was successfully ending test operation of 2 pieces lines, length 22 m, for welding of wessel, in Ferox Děčín Company.  The lines are consisted of positioners, length conveyors and forming levers. The lines are working for production of the biggest vessels in the world, which diameter is 6 m and length 44 m.


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Unique foundry cranes NOPO for Russian wagon factory

Technický týdeník

The production of sophisticated crane technology for the foundry of the Russian wagon factory TVSZ (Tichvinskij VagonoStroitelnyj Zavod) in Tikhvin town of Leningrad region, was launched by NOPO ENGINEERING Company from the Czech town Hradec Králové. The 25 million crown contract includes the development, production and assembly of two foundry cranes with a lifting capacity of 30 t with auxiliary lift 10 t. The span of both devices is 28 m.   

According to the commercial director of Hradec´s supplier of lifting, transport, warehousing and other logistics systems, Jaromír Tlustý, NOPO ENGINEERING Company will be supplying of crane foundry technology to The Russian wagon factory in February 2018 year.  

“The commission for the equipment of TVSZ´s foundry in Tikhvin, special crane technology, was acquired by NOPO ENGINEERING Company, in the tender procedure, which was only one Czech Company. The other competitors, were the world´s leading manufactures. An important condition was to meet precisely specified requirements for safe and reliable operation under extreme conditions and the hazardous surroundings. The main task of foundry cranes is the transport of liquid metal. Among other things, this also required many important safety features, such as two lift brakes, pressure roller, or special material of hook. The foundry NOPO Company´s cranes are also equipped with control cabins with effective anti-dusting air conditioning. . 

Interest in foundry industry technology is growing markedly in our country and in the world. In order to capture the current growth, NOPO ENGINEERING Company operative changed the philosophy of the realization of standard cranes at the technical design stage and established cooperation with the Company SLT Components from Mikulovice town. The STAHL crane kits are purchased from this company, including the already finished design. This way is saving own design capacity for foundry cranes and other more complicated equipment.                    
In addition to the current order for the Russian wagon factory, NOPO ENGINEERING Company delivers sophisticated technologies for the foundry, for example, producers of ductile cast iron of Feramo Brno Company or enterprise Metallurgie Rumburk. To this traditional foundry of gray and ductile cast iron, the NOPO ENGINEERING Company will be supplied for 24 million crown, 6 special foundry cranes, as well as 10 standard cranes, which are newly provided in cooperation with SLT Components Company.                    
Nopo Engineering Company has handed over the second transfer table (TRT) to Russian wagon works in Tihvin town

Technický týdeník, 23.7.2015

The secondary special TRT of rail vehicles, during workshop acceptance, Czech Company NOPO Engineering s.r.o., has handed over to Russian wagon works name CJCS TikhvinChemMash from Tikhvin town of Leningrad region, in half July this year. Leading Czech contractor of hoisting, transport, warehousing and other logistic systems, that way closed down technical and manufacturing sophisticated contract. It was for roughly 30 million crowns and included development, manufacturing a commissioning of two sophisticated equipment for quickly and safe manipulation with railway and tram wagons.   

The first, so called, inside TRT of capacity 80 tons and length 25 meters, NOPO Engineering Company has handed over to Russian customer, already in the end of last year. Set up of second equipment for outside running with the same capacity; however with length 32 meters, after commissioning and working tests, in CJCS TikhvinChemMash, is planning czech Company in September this year. 

“This outside TRT of railway wagons, is completely covered, except other, has eight special chassis from the reason of crossing with shuttle, works railway and its operating is fully automatically. During workshop acceptance, representative of owner, expressed his satisfaction of technical parameters and High Quality of equipment and with work flow of contract” says commercial director of Hradec Králové´s Company Mr. Jaromír Tlustý. The analogical technology, always adapted to unique running conditions, NOPO Engineering Company delivered many important Czech customers, in the past. TRT of rail vehicles, each of which is thanks different requirements actually original, reliably work possibly in  following companies: ČKD Vagonka Ostrava, Škoda Transportation Plzeň, CZ LOKO Česká Třebová and Parsnova Šumperk or in Škoda Auto Enterprise at Kvasiny town. 

NOPO Engineering Company from Hradec Králové town is able to develop direct business relations with demanding Russian customers, which show large interest in sophisticated, logistic systems. In addition to spare parts supplying, the company provides manufacture and deliveries of crane´s technology, manipulators or transportation systems for pain shops. Prestigious contract the Czech company accomplished in the first half of this year, when in the multinational company Magna Automotive, from Russian town Nizhny Novgorod, put into operation its own special crane, capacity 32 tons.                    

Svět průmyslu, 9.10.2014

Škoda Auto Company Inc is for Company NOPO ENGINEERING Ltd. from. Hradec Králové town, in the long term, the most important customer, say Mr. Jaromír Tlustý – Commercial Director. During its nearly 20-year history have given Company NOPO lifting and handling equipment for more than 300 mill. CZK. During this time the largest volume delivery quotas directed to the following areas:

 The first group consists of lifting technique presented mainly by deliveries of process cranes.  These cranes differ not only a capacity, but above of all by the degree of automation. Among the largest and the most complicated includes crane for automatic storage of dies, equipped with grab of dies. The crane of the capacity 70 ton, with span 42 m, has been delivered in the year 2012.
(It´s interesting, that in the year 1998, was Company NOPO awarded with „Corporate Award for the Best supplier“, for delivery crane equipment of pressing plant in Mladá Boleslav town.)

 The second group includes warehouse of TOOLING´s. trolleys. In the mentioned period were delivered 4 pcs of different types of warehouses, in total value almost 40 million CZK. Technically, the most interesting is the warehouse of dimensions 30 x 30 m, with a capacity 150 trolleys. It´s operated by manipulator with telescopically extendable arm, which is unloading trolleys outside of warehouse plan size.

 The third group is turning device of dies. Used for dies positioning during its maintenance. At the present time are working 5 pcs of this device at plans of Škoda Company. One workshop is completed by travel, too. By the way is possible not only turning of dies, but, at the same time, separate the upper and lower part, without  necessity of its hanging changes.

 The last attractive facility is located in plant Škoda Auto a.s., at Kvasiny town. This is a traverser, which provides loading of new cars on wagons, and moving them among single tracks. The transfer is equipped with special truck, which itself performs manipulation with wagons, without intervention of staff.  It not only increase the speed of loading cars on wagons, but also simultaneously increase safety of person at this plant.

It´s evident, that the cooperation between Škoda Auto a.s. and NOPO ENGINEERING s.r.o, is interesting for both parties.  „We are proud of opportunity to be one of the most important suppliers of the most significant and most admired companies in the Czech Republic. In the future, we will take care of this partnership with maximum effort and dedication“, says Mr. Ing. Jaromír Tlustý.
David and Goliath / Uncut precious stones

Kran und Hebetechnik, 30.9.2013

Carl Stahl and producer NOPO are supplying two cranes to Ingolstadt’s plant Audi, for the first time
It´s unique, that the newcomer breaks through to premium concern AUDI, against beaten suppliers. That case occurred, at building of new aluminum foundry, in Ingolstadt. The specialist of hoisting equipment and ropes Carl Stahl Company and producer of crane NOPO, delivered two cranes for AUDI.
Both companies are known for large automobile factories. NOPO delivered manipulators and cranes for, ŠKODA and BOSH to Turkey.
The first test was tender of crane equipment for VW Bratislava. We were placed second. The next were quotation for AUDI. The company CS delivered hoisting equipment of them for the long time. Also with reference to this fact, was together quotation, assessed as the best.
The equipment for AUDI Company, at hundreds of thousands EUR, must meet the highest requirements in all spheres. It´s apply of crane at aluminum foundry, too. On account of temperature defined AUDI forbidden zone, from the reasons damage of crane parts. These needs provide special software, which is part of crane´s delivery. “NOPO Company is very flexible in reference to atypical requirements of customer”, says Mr.Petr Mahdal from Carl Stahl Praha Company.  This gentleman was functioning, the first of all, as coordinator, between engineers and purchase department.  All concerns of German market, require negotiation and materials only in native language, what was barrier to trade for NOPO Company, up to now..
The significant role played, in this matter, Mr. Gelhard Schillinger from Carl Stahl Munich. He´s an expert of hoisting equipment and is also representative of Carl Stahl Company for AUDI, more than 15 years.
It´s use to happen unique, that connection of two business branches and one producer is bringing courage stand up to large multinational companies. ,,It wants time, good arrangement and comunation”, says Mr.Gerhard Herry, head  automotive manager. ,, After visit of Prague I saw cooperation Czech branch with “NOPO” and was clear for me, we must to manage it.”
,,NOPO is technically very strong and colleagues from Prague and Munich have found necessary courage.” says afterwards. That way have arisen the first approach in VW Bratislava, which didn´t come off, yet. But in AUDI, we handed over two cranes 50t/25t with span 28,5 m, at 7th June. The drives are controlled frequency inverters, flexibility of control is very high, NOPO one´s own winches and minimum operating ranges to shop walls – its are crucial points of whole success. Says head manager of project Mr. Schillinger. The complicated crane, the change bigger, compared to serial suppliers. Because any technical difference from established serial solutions, is complicated for the large companies.


NOPO Engineering is supplying the cranes for Audi Company


The prestigious contract for newly building foundry plant of Audi´s grey cast iron   in Germany Münchmünster, provide Czech manufacturer of hoisting, transport, storage and next logistic systems, NOPO Engineering Company, from Hradec Králové town. Approximately, 15-million´s contract, which was concluded at the turn of January/February, to allow for delivery the processionary cranes 50 ton´s capacity,   which must, Hradec Hrálové´s Company, dispatch to Münchmünster, during May and June of this year

Machine-works NOPO have delivered cranes to Indonesia, wants to China and India

DENÍK východní Čechy 19.10.2012

Hradec Králové – Hradec Králové´s manufacturer logistic systems NOPO Engineering have delivered to the building paper mill at Indonesia two cranes for 18 million crowns. Next contracts to handling technology for paper mills, wants the company obtain in China and India. This year Hradec Králové´s enterprise is waiting increase turnover, as far as 80 percent, to 170 million crowns, About it have informed commercial director Mr.Jaromír Tlustý.

The fully automated cranes with nearly  30 m span and capacity 20 tons, which are intended for warehousing of paper rolls of weight as far as 10 tons, at Hradec Králové, have ordered to the Indonesian plant Japanese’s world maker paper machines Maruishi. To the setting up operation, equipment should have done, toward the end of year. According to Mr.Tlustý, Hradec Králové´s NOPO Company replaced supplier from Belgium, and having work up bids for handling technology for paper mills at China and India for Maruishi now.

„The prestigious contract with Maruishi Company, we form stipulate, at the close last year, after successful tender. The owner of Japanese company, which is worldwide supplier machine for packaging and stocking at papermaking industry, after last year´s inspection right in Hradec Králové, have decided to long term cooperation with us, instead their aged partner from Belgium,“  explains Mr.Jaromír Tlustý.
NOPO Engineering Company this year´s growth of turnover attributes to strengthening automotive industry investments,  machine tool production, power industry and papermaking industry. Roughly one third of turnover provides company with 40 employees, export activity. The most projects, this year, summary for 40 million crowns, NOPO Engineering Company made for Škoda Auto.  this year. The important orders got NOPO from car part manufacturer Magna Company, for it´s Russian plants.

This year, NOPO Company become member of Czech-Russian consortium MIR.1200, which tender for NPP Temelín completion.  NOPO Company is supplier of cranes, hoisting units and special handling technology at this project. Hradec Králové´s Company have got contract from ČEZ, concerned anti collision safety system, for existing cranes at NPP Dukovany.

Almost 100 mil. Kč were realized in the year 2011, according to preliminary results, by significant Czech maker of hoisting, transport, storage and other logistic systems, NOPO ENGINEERING s.r.o. from Hradec Králové. It presents approximately 10% decrease compared with last year. The reasons of last year´s lower output consisted of a general recession in some industries and investment restraint of trade partners. These partners put off implementation of contracted and unfinished projects. Export shares in general revenues of Hradec Králové´s engineering organization, which staff is about 40 people, roughly 30%.

„The most significant contract of year 2011, was supply of two special cranes of capacity 63 and 70t, with automatic grab for new press shop in Škoda Auto at Mladá Boleslav. The contract for a little less than 40 mil. Kč, is from the technical design view of 70t capacity crane, the first realization of this equipment at automobile industry in the Czech republic,“ is emphasizing commercial director Mr.Jaromír Tlustý. The next prestigious order, this once for 35 mil. Kč, company provided for wood – working enterprise at Strasbourg in France. There was delivered a unique automatic line for wood masses storage in autumn 2011. Two cranes with special automatic sucking disk for roles paper warehousing, ordered at NOPO company Maruishi from Japan for it´s customer.

NOPO Engineering reckons on significant increase in total turnover in 2012, by 80% compared to last year. „Although the first quarter of a year used to be in our branch rather starting, in the middle of this year´s February we have registered inquiries entered into contracts by total sum circa 50 mil. Kč,“, says commercial director Mr.Jaromír Tlustý. According to him, behind optimistic start to the year 2012, there is growing investment customer´s activities mainly from automobile industry, manufacture of shaping machine and from some other engineering branches. Interest is mainly in special cranes and manipulators. Gradual increase in investment firm´s activities is reflected in a growing number of tenders.
Technický týdeník

Manufacture of two special cranes for newly building press shop in automobile factory Škoda Auto in Mladá Boleslav town, begin significant supplier of hoisting, transport, stocking and the other logistic systems, NOPO Engineering Company from Hradec Králové.  Order has value almost 40 million crowns .and from the view required parameters and determination would be the first analogical realization handling technology in automotive industry on territory of Czech Republic.  Prestigious contract NOPO Engineering negotiates form in half of September. .The first crane to the Škoda Auto, have to be delivered in December yet, the second one then, in the spring of the next year. . 
„Manufacture of supporting construction we´re order partner firm Montifer Přelouč, which itself prove advise, in so short terms, with the similarly measurement and specific orders”  saying commercial director of Hradec Králové´s  engineering organization, Mr. ing. Jaromír Tlustý. It´s concerned exacting order, in which NOPO Engineering exercise line original design and technical solution including most modern, electronic systems and the software.
NOPO Engineering will furnish plant in plant in France
Mladá fronta DNES
HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ – Nopo Engineering Company from Hradec Králové town, which is concerned with hoisting, transport and warehousing systems, start up of production unique automatic line of wood storage designed for French customer in Strasbourg. “We are talking about two portal manipulators with 15 m span and height 10 meters, on which travel special trolley with grab loader. The line is filling up automatic traversing trolleys of length 13,5 meters for transport 150 tons wood masses to paper making process. Whole contract amount is 35 million CZK” said managing director of NOPO Jaromír Tlustý.
Czech companies furnish woodworking plant in France
Technický týdeník
Manufacturing automatic line for wood material storage, start prominent Czech maker of hoisting, transport, stocking and next logistic systems, NOPO ENGINEERING Company from Hradec Králové town. 
Order at 35 million CZK is designate for significant wood working plant in Strasbourg town in France. Business director Mr. Tlustý informs about it, thereby, that the engineering company is manufacturing of unique equipment in branch named S & D Strojírna in Prosetín near Chrudim town. Final line assembly at French customer finishes NOPO Engineering this year in August. 
Technological unit consist of two portal manipulators of span 15 m and height 10m, on which moving special trolley with grab loader of Liebherr Company. The line, except other, is complement by automatic traversing trolleys 13 x 5m for transport 150t wood masses to paper processing. The equipment, with respectable total mass 300t, will be able move at speed as far as 200 m per minute. According to him it´s 
exacting order, in which NOPO Engineering apply number of original design and technical solutions including most modern electronic systems and software.
NOPO Engineering don´t afraid of competition
Deník východní Čechy
Hradec Králové, Chrudim – Production of unique automatic line for storage wood matter, begin prime Czech manufacturer of hoisting, transport, stocking and others logistic systems NOPO ENGINEERING Company from Hradec Králové town. 35 million crown order is intended for woodworking enterprise in France town Strasbourg. Company managing director Mr. Jaromir Tlusty informed about it thereby, that production of this unique equipment engineering organization of Hradec Králové town assure in “sister” plant S & D Strojírna Prosetín near the Chrudim town. The Company finishes closing mounting of this line in August.  
Technological unit consist of two portal manipulators of span 15 m and height 10m, on which moving special trolley with grab loader of Liebherr Company. The line, except other, is complement by automatic traversing trolleys 13 x 5m for transport 150t wood masses to paper processing. The equipment, with respectable total mass 300t, will be able move at speed as far as 200 m per minute. According to him it´s 
exacting order, in which NOPO Engineering apply number of original design and technical solutions including most modern electronic systems and software.
Order for France
HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ – Production of unique automatic line for storage wood matter, begin of Hradec Králové town manufacturer NOPO Engineering Company which specializing in delivery hoisting, transport, stocking and others logistic systems. 
35 million crown order is intended for woodworking enterprise in France town Strasbourg.
Company managing director Mr. Jaromir Tlusty informed about it thereby, that production of this unique equipment engineering organization of Hradec Králové town assure in “sister” plant S & D Strojírna Prosetín near the Chrudim town. The Company finishes closing mounting of this line in August.  
Heavy manipulation
Supplier hoisting and handling technology from Hradec Králové town, NOPO Engineering Company is waiting increasing of incomes approximately about 60% it means on 190 million crown this year. Significant order of this year is delivery of line to wood stocking for woodworking plant in France. The Company finishes closing mounting of this line, consist of two portal manipulator and, automatic moving trolleys for wood transport, in August this year.  
Woodworking plant in France will dominate our machines
INDUSTRIES: Production of unique automatic line for storage wood matter, begin prime Czech manufacturer of hoisting, transport, stocking and others logistic systems NOPO ENGINEERING Company from Hradec Králové town. 35 million crown order is intended for woodworking enterprise in France town Strasbourg. Company managing director Mr. Jaromir Tlusty informed about it thereby, that production of this unique equipment engineering organization of Hradec Králové town assure in “sister” plant S & D Strojírna Prosetín near the Chrudim town. The Company finishes closing mounting of this line in August.  
Technological unit consist of two portal manipulators of span 15 m and height 10m, on which moving special trolley with grab loader of Liebherr Company. The line, except other, is complement by automatic traversing trolleys 13 x 5m for transport 150t wood masses to paper processing. The equipment, with respectable total mass 300t, will be able move at speed as far as 200 m per minute. According to him it´s 
exacting order, in which NOPO Engineering apply number of original design and technical solutions including most modern electronic systems and software. The bid potential NOPO Engineering sees on advanced easterly markets. It wants reinforce export activities. 
Photos, description Production is running in “sister” plant NOPO, S & D Strojírna Prosetín.
NOPO Engineering start production of unique automatic line for wood mass stocking
Haló noviny
Manufacturing automatic line for wood material storage start prominent Czech maker of hoisting, transport, stocking and next logistic systems, NOPO ENGINEERING Company from Hradec Králové town. 
Order at 35 million CZK, is designate for significant wood working plant in Strasbourg town in France. Business director Mr. Tlustý informs about it, thereby, that the engineering company is manufacturing of unique equipment in branch named S & D Strojírna Prosetín near Chrudim town. Final line assembly at French customer finishes NOPO Engineering this year in August. 
Technological unit consist of two portal manipulators of span 15 m and height 10m, on which moving special trolley with grab loader of Liebherr Company. The line, except other, is complement by automatic traversing trolleys 13 x 5m for transport 150t wood masses to paper processing. The equipment, with respectable total mass 300t, will be able move at speed as far as 200 m per minute. According to him it´s 
exacting order, in which NOPO Engineering apply number of original design and technical solutions including most modern electronic systems and software.
NOPO Engineering at cooperation with S & D Strojírna furnishes plant in France
Hradecký Deník
Hradec Králové, Prosetín - Production of unique automatic line for storage wood matter, begin prime Czech manufacturer of hoisting, transport, stocking and others logistic systems NOPO ENGINEERING Company from Hradec Králové town. 35 million crown order is intended for woodworking enterprise in France town Strasbourg. Company managing director Mr. Jaromir Tlusty informed about it thereby, that production of this unique equipment engineering organization of Hradec Králové town assure in “sister” plant S & D Strojírna Prosetín near the Chrudim town. The Company finishes closing mounting of this line in August.  
Technological unit consist of two portal manipulators of span 15 m and height 10m, on which moving special trolley with grab loader of Liebherr Company. The line, except other, is complement by automatic traversing trolleys 13 x 5m for transport 150t wood masses to paper processing. The equipment, with respectable total mass 300t, will be able move at speed as far as 200 m per minute. According to him it´s 
exacting order, in which NOPO Engineering apply number of original design and technical solutions including most modern electronic systems and software.
Provider of logistic systems NOPO ENGINEERING reacts to crisis impact
Technický týdeník
NOPO ENGINEERING from Hradec Králové, prominent manufacturer hoisting, transport, stocking and next logistic systems is feeling reduction of demand in line industrial branches, From this reason the company strengthen business activity for example in nuclear industries. Develops also atypical machinery and as a reaction against fall-down interest in classical crane technology, extends production technologies with higher technical evaluation – traversers of rail vehicles, platforms, manipulators, transport and next special logistic systems. “It´s about main strategic concept, which make mitigation impacts of crisis, keep up competitiveness and long-term development of Company,” says commercial manager Mr.Jaromir Tlusty.
Currently NOPO ENGINEERING  make a effort about order of polar crane located above atomic reactor for Škoda JS Plzeň Inc. Company. NOPO with Swiss engineering company AF-COLENCO AG.KERNTECHNIK is just acting about delivery of heavy crane capacity 200 t for nuclear power plant in Brazil. One of the biggest contracts of second half year, Hradec Králové´s Company assure for rail vehicle manufacturer Pars nova from Šumperk town. It´s manipulator for verification of train units water tightness and two transverses, whole sum is 14 million crown.  First rail vehicle transferser NOPO ENGINEERING handed over to customer in July, second one start running in the end of November. Technically interesting equipment is also platforms for painters and transport systems for Galatek Company from Ledeč nad Sázavou town, whole sum of this contract is 12 million crown and accumulator trolleys and manipulator for air blast machine, whole sum of this contract for Chart Ferox Děčín is 5 million crown. This manufacturer of pressure equipment in addition show interest in new designed welding manipulator, by which NOPO ENGINEERING enhance production programme. “The equipment is intended to automatic welding inside steel reinforcements of pressure vessels. Using of this manipulator, not only in Chart Ferox, can compensate for standing heavy employment work in dangerous environment and fundamentally get raise productivity of welding,” explains commercial director of Hradec Králové´s Company Mr. Jaromir Tlustý.
Through fifth drop in revenue from sales NOPO ENGINEERING prosper
Technický týdeník
With turnover approximately 160 million crown p.a. calculate, in the year 2009, important Czech manufacturer hoisting, transport, stocking and next logistic system, NOPO ENGINEERING Company from Hradec Králové town, In comparison with average revenue of last years, it´s 20% reduction. Export activity presents once third on revenues of engineering organization, which staff is about 40 people. Accordance with commercial director, Mr. Jaromir Tlusty, NOPO ENGINEERING is generating adequate profit over unfavorable period global recession and needn´t making staffs reduce. With it is, of course, related decrease internal costs and fact that subsupliers had to reduce his prices. 
The reasons of falling company incomes consist of demand run-down in most industrial branches and in general economic condition. “Automotive and machine industry inhibit or postpone planned investment. Almost quite is stagnating demand after cranes and special technology of heavy industry, steelmaking and metallurgy. On Easter markets we are feeling bigger discreetness of business partners, postpone tenders and same as early as realized projects”   describes Mr.Tlusty.
For biggest orders, NOPO ENGINEERING, in half of year, was belonged supply of six cranes of capacity 2t for Hysco Czech Company in Nošovice town. The next prestigious contract, about 25 million crown, which was included reconstruction crane equipment and delivery of new overhead crane 32t capacity, have finished Hradec Králové´s company in Škoda Auto Company on April. Three automatic cranes, also handed over, after testing running, in Romanian cement mill, in the spring. One of conclude contract for year 2010, going to the ŽDB Bohumín company.   
For the his staining plant 
NOPO Engineering increase incomes, just finish order in Škoda Auto company and develop unique crane
Technický týdeník
Almost 300 million crown realize, in 2008 year, significant manufacturer of hoisting, transport, stocking and next logistic systems NOPO Engineering Company from Hradec Králové town. Year-on-year it´s near 24 % growth. The company wants keep incomes in this year too, “Although are trading partners at enter into the contracts reserved, exceeded, at first quarter, total sum of realized orders 50 million crown. It´s, for example, production of manipulation technology for Chart Ferox Děčín Company, or six cranes for Hysco Czech Companay in Nošovice town, which delivered coils of car body metal plate for carmaker Hyundai “, says commercial director of NOPO Engineering Company Mr. Jaromir Tlustý.
The biggest actual order, 25 million crown, NOPO Engineering will hand over during April in Škoda Auto Company. The contract calculates with reconstruction existing crane equipment and with delivery new overhead crane with 32t capacity. According to Mr.Tlustý about usefulness this order for carmaker talks fact, that contract concluded in period radical strokes in investment sphere. NOPO Engineering is Corporation award winner for the best supplier of Volkswagen Group. NOPO Company cooperate, over 10 years, with Škoda Auto and during this time delivered automatic stocking systems, mould positioners and next top technology. Nuclear and heavy industry, steelmaking and metallurgy belong to advanced fields for NOPO Engineering. “On the table we have bonbon in form preliminary demand on development and production in field unique crane capacity till 320 t, opening same plans Mr.Tlusty, by him, the big potential, see company management in Easter markets.       
Business potential are seeing on East market
Haló noviny
The Czech manufacturer of hoisting, transport, stocking and next logistic systems, NOPO Engineering Company from Hradec Králové town, wants even over present crisis in most of branch, in the year 2009 keep incomes on last year level at least. The biggest actual order, almost 25 million crown, is NOPO Engineering finishes in fine April at Škoda Auto in Mladá Boleslav town. The contract includes reconstruction existing crane technology and delivery new overhead crane with 32t capacity. Among the most well-known foreign orders of NOPO Engineering belonged in the past, deliveries processed cranes and the next manipulation equipment to the carmakers PSA Peugeot Citroen and KIA Motors in Slovakia. Contemporary run-down of demand in car industry bears on NOPO Company, of course, too. Some one of early plans we re-value therefore. Subsequently considerable potential management company sees in the time on eastern markets. That´s why the company oneself, this year for the first time, actively take part in significant professional trade fairs in Russian, but also in Rumania where currently for cement mill plant Holcim Romania manufacturing three automatic cranes. In half May, Hradec Králové´s Company, with Motifer Přelouč cooperation, will delivered five cranes to Belorussian and for STZ Polevskoj, it´s enterprise in Russia´s Jekatěrinburg. Together with Žďas Company from Žďár nad Sázavou town, offers delivery automatic containers store, whose parts are three cranes 40t capacity.            
NOPO Engineering increase incomes about quarter more on 300 million crown
ČTK (redakce Hradec Králové) – Czech News Agency
HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 30th of April (CNA) – Hradec Králové´s supplier hoisting and handling technology NOPO Engineering company increases incomes about 24 percent to almost 300 million crown. Company wants this result repeat, through economic crisis. It wants the activities locate into another branches than car industry and Easter markets. Export of the company with 50 employees, is participates roughly one third. Commercial director Mr. Tlustý says it today to Czech News Agency.
“This year are some trading partners, during contract making, reserved. For all that, value realized orders reach over 50 million crown for the first three months “, referred Mr.Tlustý.
Belonged to its, for example manufacturing special manipulation equipment for Chart Ferox Děčín or six cranes for Hysco Czech company in Nošovice town, which delivered coils car-body sheet metal for carmaker Hyundi.
The biggest actual order, almost 25 million crown, is NOPO Engineering finishes in fine April at Škoda Auto in Mladá Boleslav town. The contract includes reconstruction existing crane technology and delivery a new overhead crane. 
Contemporary inhibition in car industry would be company wanted compensate by obtaining of orders for nuclear and heavy industry, steelmaking and metallurgy. Growth potential NOPO Company sees on Easter markets. That´s why the company, this year for the first time, company take part in significant professional fairs in Russian and Rumania. In this country for Holcim Romania, cement plant, currently delivery manufacture of three automatic cranes. For the next order, make effort for example in Russian Yekaterinburg town and Belorussian Minsk.
On the eastern markets should be help, according to Mr. Tlustý, reference obtained by supply of wagon paintwork equipment, for  Russian enterprise Uralzavod from Nižnyj Tagil town. Special platforms for paint shops tender and two conveyers for wagon moving, on the whole sum almost 60 million crown, would there, NOPO Engineering Company with manufacturer lacquering lines Galatek Ledeč nad Sázavou Company, put into running, in the half of this year. 
Škoda Transportation take over unique traverser NOPO
Technický týdeník
Unique traverser train and tram units from NOPO Engineering Company have put in operation put in operation in Škoda Transportation Plzeň. Development, manufacture and assembly those highly specialized manipulation technology, which is unique of its kind in Czech Republic, manage Hradec Králové´s company at record short time. Inform about it commercial director of supply company. Mr. Ing.Jaromir Tlustý, with it, that the contract of number of tens million crown form in January 2007. 
Except capacity 135 tons, length 35 meters, number of stations and next specific technical parameters, had to new traverser train and tram units, for Škoda Tranportation Plzeň, met architect setting for steel construction form and way of roofed with reference to surrounding buildings. 
”During performance these and the others specific needs our designers, led by ing. Moravec, make an excellent job of that, Mr.Ujčík, one of our more experienced worker too. He coordinates production and assembly directly at our supplier of steel construction S&D Strojírna in Prosetín near Chrudim town, “says, commercial director of NOPO Engineering Hradec Králové Mr. Tlustý. According to him, every traverser is basically original, equipped most modern electronic systems and software.”Regarding technical aspect, it´s always top product, which is of course important to customer, from aspect future reference and follow economic contributions for us”, emphasize Tlustý. Positive reference stood, for example, behind to next order for Škoda Transportation. This time is concerned of six pneumatic platforms for tender paint shops, which NOPO Engineering for Plzeň´s client provide in cooperation with producer paint cabin, Galatek Ledeč nad Sázavou Company.  
Especially among carmakers and rail vehicles makers’ recently growing interest in transverses, which provide effective quick and safe handling among working shops. Production these technology participate on NOPO company turnover by 25 percent. For example, in April Hradec Králové´s company handed over to the using equipment for loading cars on double-deck wagons in Škoda Auto Kvasiny plant. In the second half of year, set traverser for transport train unit to running, in ČMKS-Lokomotivy Česká Třebová.
NOPO Engineering will equip wagon plants in Russian
Technický týdeník   
Manufacture of equipment for major Russian producer of railway vehicles, enterprise Uralzavod in Nižnij Tagil town begin NOPO Engineering company.from Hradec Králové town. Order for almost 60 million crown includes 30 diferent kind special platforms for tender paint shops and two under floor conveyers of length 500 meters for moving railway´s wagons during the process of its production and paintworks. Unique technology of NOPO Engineering will be part of two new painting lines, which for plant in Nižníj Tagil perform Galatek Ledeč nad Sázavou Company.      
The contract of delivery our conveyers and air platforms, which except other, provide safe painters work in highly explosive environment, we´re with representative of Uralzavod, have signed after visit Russian president Putin in Czech republic in spring,, this year”, informs commercial director Hradec Králové´s company Mr. Jaromír Tlustý. Joint project will begin firms NOPO Engineering and Galatek in Russian wagon plant, realize next year and will finish it in the 2008 year.
NOPO Engineering is leading Czech manufacturer logistic systems, especially for automotive industry. As one of the few is company able, perform high demands on quality of supply, in design using most modern electronic systems and software.
Contract with automotive plant given number of jobs
Právo (mutation „Východní Čechy“)
Unique crane technology of almost 43,5 million crown for building automotive plant of concern PSA Peugeot Citroen in Trnava town, delivered NOPO Engineering Company from Hradec Králové town. It´s six process cranes of new generation, which firm have developed and made at record short time of six months since form contract. 
Právo news have informed about it commercial director of organization Mr. Jaromir Tlustý. Thanks, this order number of employees these important Czech manufacturer and supplier logistic systems, first o all for automotive industry, went up about thirty percent.
Currently in firm and its branches, working over 200 people, whereas most of new employees find use first of all in assembly works. Except NOPO Engineering, which provide design and projection working create group production plants NOPO in Slatiňany and Zárubka and affiliated company S & D Strojírna Prosetín near Chrudim town. Highly specialized hoisting technology from NOPO Engineering Company in Trnava´s automotive plant provide assembly production facility. The deliveries are systematic moving on next objects a value of original contract grown on more than 47 million crown.   
NOPO Company establish itself in car manufacturing
Hospodářské noviny
Eastern Czech Company NOPO plans, this year, increasing incomes to limit three hundred million crown. To it significant contracts belongs supply for loco paint shop of Siemens plant in Prague city.
Overall turnover in an amount two hundred thirty five million crown achieved, according to preliminary results, last year Hradec Králové´s company Nopo Engineering together with its branches.
Year-on-year, this significant eastern Czech manufacturer and supplier logistic systems, especially for automotive industry, increase its incomes for more than one third.  
Crane technology is heading to Škoda Auto Company 
“Quality economic results are reflection, successful restructuring firm, which proceed in last year’s”, referred Mr.Tlustý. Group NOPO just create four subjects. NOPO Engineering resides in Hradec Králové and provides design and engineering activity. Next three production branches are near to Chrudim town. The main production programme of Company creates full turnkey deliveries hoisting, handling and stocking technology.
Every made piece is original solution
“Mostly is concern of atypical automated systems, which every piece presents original solution. Customers appreciate not only it, when our fully loaded crane, overall weight of several tens tons have to stop within the range most two millimeters, but also our extra uncommonly short delivery period”, says Mr.Tlustý
The Company turnover would increase about quarter this year  
This year NOPO Company plans next approximately twenty-five percent increase of the total turnover, as far as under limit three hundred million crown.
Among the biggest this year´s group contracts belongs order for special platforms of Siemens loco paint shop for eight million crown and especially full turnkey delivery crane technology at total value fifty five million Slovak crown for new car company of concern PSA Peugeot Citron in Trnava town.
NOPO Engineering penetrate into the next markets
Haló noviny
HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ – NOPO Engineering group increased incomes about tone third. The biggest this year order from Czech East pilgrim to car factory PSA Trnava. Overall turnover 235 million crown reached according to preliminary results, in 2003 year, together with our branches, NOPO Engineering Company. Year-on-year, this significant eastern Czech manufacturer and supplier logistic systems, especially for automotive industry, increase its incomes for more than 34 percent.
Commercial director of Hradec Králové´s organization Mr.Tlustý informs with it, that the last year export share on group general revenues make to 30 percent.     
Restructuring helped
In the framework of restructuring was company segmented on economic and organizing, independent units, which are able much efficient market working now. Some less significant activity have entrusted to external suppliers.
Except NOPO Engineering, which provide design and projection working create group production plants NOPO in Slatiňany and Zárubka and affiliated company S & D Strojírna Prosetín near Chrudim town.”On more than half last year group turnover, with 165 employs, was sharing Hradec Králové´s engineering Company.
On European top
NOPO Engineering group belongs to among European top in field of its activity. Beside cranes provide complete deliveries hoisting, handling and stocking technology for inland and abroad customers. among most significant projects of 2003 year line up deliveries handling technology for transport bus Mercedes – Benz body structure in Turkey, crane technology for Škoda Auto Mladá Boleslav or for Peguform Plastic Liberec plant, which is most modern press shop of plastic material in Europe. 
Good perspective 
In the 2004 year NOPO Engineering Company from Hradec Králové and its branches plans next roughly, 25 percent increasing over all turn over on limit over 290 million crown. To the biggest, this year´s contract belong order for special platforms for loco paint shop in Siemens Praha plant for 8 million crown and especially full turnkey delivery crane technology for general value 55 million Slovak crown for new car factory PSA Peugeot Citron in Trnava town.
The cranes for automotive plant will supply NOPO Engineering from Hradec Králové
ČTK (redakce Hradec Králové) – Czech News Agency
Complete crane technology for building car factory PSA Peugeot Citroen in Trnava town on Slovakia, will supply Hradec Králové’s group NOPO Engineering. The contract of 55 million crown should be markedly help increases turnover of quarter on more than 290 million crown. Czech News Agency says it director and co-owner of NOPO Engineering Mr. Jaromír Tlustý. The group wants also start Representative office in Slovakia. In cooperation with Czech Trade Agency wants, strengthen its export activities. Last year, took export on turnover 235 million crown, share about 30 percent. Beside cranes is firm supplies hoisting, handling and stocking technology.    
The next this year´s significant contacts of group, belongs to supply special platform for loco paint shop of Siemens plant in Praque of eight million crown. from most important last year´s projects Mr. Tlustý mention supplies handling technology for transport of bus body structure for Mercedes Company in Turkey, crane technology for Škoda Auto and plant of Peguform Plastik Liberec in Nymburk town.
NOPO Engineering provides design and engineering activity and participates on turn over more than half. Rests of incomes provide three production plants on Chrudim´s surrounding. NOPO Slatiňany, NOPO Zárubka and S & D Strojírna Prosetín. The staff of group is 165 people. The firm mostly delivery atypical automated systems. Every part of it presents original solution with big demands on accuracy. For example, fully loaded crane with mass of several tens tons, have to stop at interval two millimeter”, referred Mr. Tlustý The users of these systems are also Karosa Vysoké Mýto, Benteler ČR Chrastava, ZVVZ Milevsko, TOS Varnsdorf, ČKD Vagonka Ostrava, BOSH dieselmotory Jihlava and Automotive Lighting, Durr, USF Schlick.   

NOPO ENGINEERING s.r.o. Zemědělská 898/3, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic